Day 11,367 – Saturday, February 7, 2015 ● 8:59pm ● In bed


My script handwriting

I had plans to do a lot of things today, but Today decided to pause and slow my life down.

As I’m creating a meal for Norman and I to enjoy once he gets home from work, the left side of my face starts to numb…again. It was back while on my visit to my home island of Maui in November that I found myself in the hospital for the same symptoms but the doctor could not find out what was wrong and the only thing that was done was a CT scan. Nothing sceptical was found and I left with no other information.

Norman tells me to drink some water and lie down. So I choose to follow his advice. I’m doing a little better that I’ve rested. I, of course needed to wake up and finish cooking the rest of our food.

From there I enjoyed Normans company as we both sat and ate our meal together. The best present to have is to break bread together and be in each others presence.

Thank you for reading. =) Good Night.

Writing ended at 9:26pm

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