Day 11,368 – Sunday, February 8, 2015 ● 10:33pm ● In bed


"Just relax" handwriting by yours truly

Doctor told me.

Boyfriend told me.

The God within is whispering to me.

And I begin and choose to listen with truth, acceptance, and understanding.

“Healing is the return to the rhythm of life.”…one-two-three-one-two-three. -Excerpt from todays wisdom from Rev. Guy Lynch of Unity of Beaverton.

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Day 11,367 – Saturday, February 7, 2015 ● 8:59pm ● In bed


My script handwriting

I had plans to do a lot of things today, but Today decided to pause and slow my life down.

As I’m creating a meal for Norman and I to enjoy once he gets home from work, the left side of my face starts to numb…again. It was back while on my visit to my home island of Maui in November that I found myself in the hospital for the same symptoms but the doctor could not find out what was wrong and the only thing that was done was a CT scan. Nothing sceptical was found and I left with no other information.

Norman tells me to drink some water and lie down. So I choose to follow his advice. I’m doing a little better that I’ve rested. I, of course needed to wake up and finish cooking the rest of our food.

From there I enjoyed Normans company as we both sat and ate our meal together. The best present to have is to break bread together and be in each others presence.

Thank you for reading. =) Good Night.

Writing ended at 9:26pm

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Day 11,366 – Friday, February 6, 2015 8:28pm

The word "Experience" in Rodel Casio handwriting

My regular handwriting

Life. What is it? Your life is solely operated by your thoughts and actions.

I sink into the truth of finding a part time job on top of my full time life purpose of Emperience. My current life experience of losing a family member, tackling my recent unpaid ER bill, and our car recently being stolen off of our parking space, is extremely overwhelming and I’m pivoting into a different path for now.

I’m listening to my heart and it’s telling me it’s okay to experience this shift. Maybe it’s because of Mercury retrograde?

Day 11,365 – Thursday, February 5, 2015 5:09am


This image was taken on Saturday, October 5, 2013 on the lawns of a fall season next to the Jenkins Rd Costco.

I wait patiently to meet a new friend that accepted me for who I am and would love and respect me unconditionally.

This begins my journey of enjoying life and having fun.

Happy 16 month Anniversary to my Lifetime Companion who believes in me and who holds the light with me.

Norman Frederick Baker, I love you with respect and I respect you with love! Thank you for being present in my life.


Our First Holiday we celebrated was Thanksgiving.


We have still to get past the first question of "How did you get your name?" LOL


Early Morning Breakfast at 4:30am

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Day 11,364 – Wednesday, February 4, 2015 12:39am


Image Captured on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 ● Camera: Samsung Note 4 ● Location: Quatama Village Parking, Aloha, Oregon

I believe, in my experience that when your body is not well, its the only way your body communicates to you and tells you…

“Slow down…take care of me now.”

Are you listening to the God within?

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I need to let this out. Things I’m grateful for! I’m alive, have a wonderful partner, I don’t live excessively, I get to ride my bike instead of a car, have a job and only work part-time, that I have cousins here on O’ahu, my small and simple wardrobe, our simple and neat apartment, a comfortable bed, for a warm blanket, nice weather, Health food stores close by, a photo studio in our apartment, my camera/lighting equipment, upcoming photoshoots, for this MacBook Pro, internet access, Facebook, the ability to breathe, see, touch, hear, smell, taste, and for my health.